Thursday, June 09, 2011


I am sure I have posted about this before but I don't like change.

School is almost out which I am thrilled about. Except that then Brayden will be in 2nd grade. He will no longer have Mrs. Huff. The BEST teacher. And we will no longer be at Harritt and he is growing up. All of those things make me very sad.
We have been so very happy at Harritt. The staff is wonderful, the kids are great. We are so fortunate to have had an AMAZING teacher. She is a wonderful Christian woman. She is very sensitive which is great. Brayden is as well. So even though I am excited to have the freedom and relaxation of summer. I am so sad to be leaving the group at Harritt. I am sad that Riley won't have Mrs. Huff.
Other changes that we have going on are Jim being gone. He has to leave for a month this summer. We are way bummed. I know that sounds silly since we have done so much time away. However in the last 2 years he has been home a lot more. So having him gone now is really weird. So, I am planning lots of fun times for the kids. We are going to make the most of it. It will be great.

We are very excited that Jim will be in town for the last of my siblings to graduate from High school. He was not here for the other two. And we are so proud of Kyle. He is amazing. We love him and how great he is. My other brother and his wife are buying their first house in Seattle. So I think on of the things the kids and I do will be to go visit. And my amazing sister is possibly going to head off on an adventure of being a missionary. We are praying so hard for her. She is amazing and would do awesome at it. Oh and my grandma is coming. We have her all set up to come and visit over Kyle's grad week. Very fun. The kids keep talking about all the stuff we are going to do with Nanny. I love my grandma and can't wait til she is here.

I was also so proud of my son tonight when he informed me that we should go to Africa. I asked why and he said well they need to know about Jesus. Love that kid.

Oh and to make sure I get this down so I don't forget. Brayden defended a girl at school. I guess she accidentally hit a boy while running and he was not happy and wanted to hit her. But B stepped in the middle and told him he can't hit a girl. Then spent the rest of recess making sure he didn't.

Feel very blessed to have such great kids.
There I think I semi got us caught up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I know how wonderful and hard change can be. I agree...I think you should go to Africa...maybe come home with some new children to your family!!!