We have started T-ball again. LOVE IT. It has been so fun. Jim is the HEAD coach this year. Brayden thinks that is so cool. I am the team mom. Not a major job but it is good. We have amazing parents and the kids are so fun.
I am craving sun. The sun was out on Saturday and it was so great. Just lifts the spirits and makes life great. However, thinking of places that are sunny all the time is a bummer. I love having our down rainy days at time. Don't get me wrong. It has been wet far to long this spring. Hoping for a stretch of sun. But, it does make me grateful for the rain and that it isn't snow. When I saw pictures from where I am from in Canada. Yes, that's right they still have snow. Even with the rain Easter would be very odd with SNOW.
Brayden and Riley shot the bebe gun yesterday. They had such a great time.
Anyway on to what I originally was posting about. We have chicks. We are enjoying them. The kids go in the shop and talk with them. Riley did rock in her chair next to them and sing. They will be here a little longer and then head to our dear friends, where we get all our eggs, and live with the bigger chickens. Chickens are so easy and really very friendly. When we go to our friends house they follow us around and chatter on and on to us. The kids run around on their 10 acres and the chickens go with them. The Black lab does not bother the chickens, so they come right up to the house and wait for us to come outside. The reason we need new chickens? Something is getting the other ones. Last year we started with 19. Then we had to "take care of" 4 roosters. Which left us with 15 and now we are down to 6. So we have 4 to add to it and are hopping that we can catch what ever it is that is taking off with them. We really like our farm fresh eggs.
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