Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Kids and NYC

I leave tomorrow moring to go to see my husband one last time before he heads overseas. I am so excited to have 4 days with him alone. However, I have never left my kids before. I mean they have slept at my parents but other than one trip to the beach and one night in Portland. I have never been more than 5 minutes away. I know they will be well taken care of and all that and I am so blessed that my mom is coming to my house. (less to pack) but I am going to miss my kiddos and if something happens know that God and my parents are with them until I can get home to them. Brayden has mentioned several times today he doesn't want me to go. And I should stay with him forever. He is to young to understand all this. But he will be fine.
Another thing. Aren't kids just so cute with money. When we play store. Riley and even Brayden could care less about the paper money. They just want the coins. I love the innocense that my kids have. It is just so fun to hear Brayden say he is going to marry his babysitter who is 10 years older than him and Riley being such a mommy to her little dolly as she faithfully walks it around the neighborhood daily. And also keeps the little boy next door from pushing her. I mean he might hurt her dolly right?
I was cleaning the house earlier and it got me thinking What is my favorite room of the house. I have decided my bedroom. I love my soft cushy bed and I get to relax in here. Even if the kids are cuddling in bed with me. It is all good memories. What is your favorite room of the house? Do you love your kitchen? Bathroom because you love baths?

So, I leave in the morning. My friend Tami and I have a long day tomorrow. But we will enjoy talking, laughing and reading. So, it will be lots of fun. Then I get to see my hubby tomorrow night. YAY.

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