Sunday, September 02, 2007

Potty Training and Little girls

So I have never potty trained before and I have heard little boys are hard but oh my. We have had it easy. We are on day three with no accidents and no wetting at bed or nap. I am so proud of my little boy and it is so nice not having to change big kid diapers. He even is doing great with pooping. So praise the lord. I know and am expecting accidents at some point but so far we have done several shopping trips with him telling us when he has to go and we even did Sunday school today and had no problems. So, hopefully all stays well.
Okay now I think I secretly always wanted a little girl. I am thrilled to death with my little boy and would have been thrilled to death with another one. But, oh my. My little girl. I am having so much fun. I am kind of old fashioned about things and I get excited about the thought of her enjoying playing house and reading little house on the praire with her and just fun things like that. When we found out we were having a girl I was irritated with all the "oh how fun, girls are so much more fun to dress than boys" I see what people mean. I am loving the dress buying. But, I have always been more excited about the relationship we would have. My mom and I are best friends and I so desire to have that with Riley. It is also so fun to watch her and Brayden interact. So, if you ever see a good deal on little dresses please let me know. I am all about the dresses.

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