I love my life. Have I ever said that before? Life is real good on this end. I have a Lord and savior who died for my sins, so that I may have eternal life. I have a great husband who supports me staying at home with our 2 children. I have 2 beautiful and healthy children who are just wonderful. And that isn't even all the other things like a house, car, family, friends and just all that I am blessed with.
The other day while watching my son follow my husband around the yard "helping" him mow I was just overwhelmed at how much I am blessed. It is just great having my husband home right now and our children enjoying there dad. I am so thankful that he is an involved dad. I also have a son who loves his baby sister and wants to share and kiss and use her fingers to pick his nose. It is all so wonderful. Then I have this beautiful daughter who gained 1lb 2 oz in one week. Yep, she is up to 9lbs 7oz already. Which is good but also very sad. She is growing so fast. And it is hard to look at her and know it is going to go so fast and before I know it she will be 2. So, I focus on enjoying our time together in the here and now.
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