Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thankfulness and stuff

I have realized that even though we had talked about it lots and I really felt good about it. That I am really not having any more kids. I have really felt this peace about it. Now don't get me wrong. The idea of getting rid of the crib still chokes me up and anytime I think of my kids growing up it makes me sad. I have been making our pile of sell stuff for a garage sale and wow, babies come with lots of stuff. So now I am in a get rid of stuff phase. I am glad that the garage sale won't be until June. That way I won't regret anything. But we really don't have that big of a house and as the kids get older they get more stuff and as I have said before stuff really messes with me.
On another note I am loving how well my kids play together. I am loving that they are both potty trained. We actually cheered today when we walked by the diaper aisle at costco. My kids are incredibly healthy, happy kids. I have a husband who loves me and respects me and is all the things a husband is supposed to be. I just couldn't ask for a better life.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Can that whole potty training thing rub off on Lincoln...just a little bit ;)