Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I have realized a few things about myself lately. I am working at embracing these things about myself. I don't stress about them. I am just not that type of person. I have realized that I am not a gardener. As much as I LOVE veggies grown fresh from the garden. I am not a gardener. I can grow a few things but what happens is I am all go in the spring. And then I forget to water them and well they die. So, I have accepted this about myself and am fine with it. Especially since my neighbors garden and do GREAT at it and they have more than enough and share their bounty. You see if I truly could garden then there would be so much bounty and it would go to waste. So I am really helping them out.
The other thing I have realized about myself is that I am not a cook. I am a baker. Not a cook. I don't like having all kinds of spices. I don't like how it smells. And it works great, my family are really basic eaters. We love Brinner (Breakfast for dinner) and we like the basics. I do try knew things and sometimes they are a hit. But I am just thankful that my family isn't picky that way.
So, even though I still make the attempt. I just know that I won't be like Giada, Martha or Rachel Ray. Oh well, I still love their shows. Great baking ideas.

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