Thursday, October 23, 2008

Going on

We have been very busy since I got back from NYC. Jim has headed out and is in limbo. We have had fun going to 2 pumpkin patches. One of my most favorite thing to do. Have I said it lately. I LOVE FALL!! We also added a member to our family. The kids have been wanting a dog and cat. So, when I was in NYC I asked Jim if we could get a cat and then when he gets home we will get a dog. He said sure no prob. When I got home I told the kids daddy said ok. Then every day Brayden asked if we were getting his kitty. And when you asked Riley if she wanted a kitty she would say no. It was really cute. So, after looking on craigslist and the humane society's website. We went there and got out little sisco kidd. He is really great. He loves the kids and something we realized just today. His birthday is the same as Brayden's. He chases toys and is doing great with his litter box. He is almost four months old and really great. Another bonus we still have all six fish and our frog.
I also spoke at our moms bible study this morning. Oh how I don't like that. I am a behind the scenes or not in front of a big group kind of person. I hope it went well and people have a better understanding of how big God is in my life and how even though life is more difficult when Jim is away, life is good and I have so much to be thankful for. One lady did tell me that she was impressed with my possitive outlook on things. So, that was nice.
You know how when you have to do something that you don't really enjoy doing and it weighs on you and you wake up nervous about it at night, every spare second it spent working on it and all that. I was feeling that for weeks. Ever since she asked me and I agreed to speak. I am just not a public speaker. Now, in the army I am in charge of the family group. And when I speak in front of people it is different. I am giving them information. I mean I guess it is the same. This today was just much more uncomfortable. Anyway it is done and hopefully someone learned something. Now I will probably sleep great. I feel much more relieved.
Here are some pictures of what has been going on.

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