Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I go back and forth on having bird feeders. With this time of year I love waking up early with the window open and hearing the birds singing. So I have been having my bird feeders out and doing really well with keeping them full. But after yesterday I have decided we are taking a break. I haven't ever seen the movie BIRDs but Jim told me there are birds after people. Well the kids and I were playing in the back yard and the birds don't leave. Now it would be okay if they were nice little pretty birds but they aren't. They are black birds and blue Jays. Now again. I am all for nature. But I mean seriously. If we are out please leave. So, I am on a brake with feeding the birds.


Carrie said...

I hear ya! I enjoy the bird sounds in the morning, but I don't really want them that close to me!

And I saw that's crazy!

Christy said...

We had the same problem, then we changed the type of bird seed. We now use nyjer bird seed and attract mostly small finch that are very colorful and sing beautifully.