Thursday, August 18, 2011

Summer ending

I am a mom who LOVES having her kids home with her. I have been reading an amazing book about public school. It is called "Going Public" I am a mom who would homeschool if I felt called to it or felt it would be best for my kids. Purely because school is SOOOO long. I don't like being away from my kids. Every once in awhile for a date or something with my husband but on the whole being with my kids is what I prefer.
Anyway back to the book. It has really encouraged me about public school. As we get closer to school starting up again I start getting sad. My kids are growing up so fast. They will be in 2nd and Pre-k this year. I am not excited. So to ease the sadness I started reading this book that was highly recommended. It has encouraged me. Most of the things they are saying aren't new to me. They are actually the reasons Jim and I feel strongly that our kids should go out into the public system when they are young. Some of the ways they have handled situations that have happened have inspired me.
I am very sad summer will be ending and our lazy summer days will soon be ending as well. I am just glad God has cushioned that with his promises to love and care for my kids. He loves them even more than I do.
We are switching schools as well and so with that transition will be an exciting new venture of Moms in Touch. I am excited about getting to start off in a new group. They are just starting up this year. So I will be connecting with moms at a new school as well as covering my kids, theirs and the whole school with Prayer. It will be good.

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