Monday, July 27, 2015

As I get older

I was sitting here on my comfy couch in my cozy home with my cup of coffee. After I had done my new devotional First 5. It is a new app. I LOVE it. And I finished reading a book by Sally John. LOVE it as well. And I was thinking about our plans for the day. Shopping this morning for birthday gifts. Both kids have birthday parties today. And then the pool this afternoon. A little work may also need to happen. But I was thinking of how fortunate I am. But I am also realizing the older I get the more I like doing clean things. I love being in nature. Seeing what God has created and enjoying his beauty. But I really enjoy coming home and showering and sleeping in a bed. Being warm and cozy. I love that we are able to go to a pool for the afternoon. I used to think that is snobbish. To spend your afternoon at the pool and to enjoy the things "rich" people do. We are by no means rich. At least by American standards. But I am realizing. It is okay to like those things. To enjoy not sleeping on the ground. To enjoy being clean. Do I still go camping with my family and friends. Totally. I wouldn't miss all the fun. But man after a weekend sleeping outside I sure do love being home and clean!

Friday, May 22, 2015


I know I hardly ever post. But I sometimes just feel like I have a lot going on in my head and I need to take the time to get it out. I have finished up my Real Estate license and am now working at HomeSmart with my hubs. Loving that. Get to show some houses on Tuesday. We are off for a weekend of camping today. After I get a day with my girl on her field trip. But what has me today is how we do it. I think it is so easy for us to forget all those hurting. Hungry, Tired, poor and depleted. As we sit here in our comfy homes in North America. Worrying about the next vacation or new furniture or that new house we are buying (don't get me wrong those things aren't bad) But are we remembering those who are sleeping in a doorway. Those in Iraq who have fled there homes because of ISIS? Those in Africa who are worried about the evil men who will come to kill them and rape their daughters and wives. My heart is breaking for them. I read Ann VosKamps blog She is amazing. After her trip to Iraq she started working with an organization to help these women and children. Over half a million dollars raised to help women learn a job. To help these kids get an education in a safe place in Northern Iraq. A place my sister spent over a year loving on the people. I have an 8 year old daughter and 9 year old girls over there are being sold. Yes I sat hear and balled at that thought of my sweet girl being taken from me and sold as a sex slave. THIS IS NOT OK PEOPLE. When will we as Americans stand up and say enough. It isn't about the new outfit or the next new thing. We need to help. Not all of us are called to go. And not all of us can give financially. But we all can be on our knees praying and seeking God. So please people today. Be the light. Spread Jesus. Whether in word or deed. "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:19-20