Saturday, July 29, 2006


So, it is official now or at least it feels more offical. We are expecting. We have known for awhile but I went to the doctor on Friday. I have felt great, other than the occaional bout of Nausea and the very extreme tiredness. All is well. I have noticed keeping up with Brayden is getting harder. He can go and go and I don't know how I did it and didn't always take a nap when he did. It hasn't even been an option lately. He naps I nap. I am just so wiped out. Hopefully that will pass as we have a lot going on. We are remodeling here soon and thankfully my parents have invited us to stay with them. It will just be hard since we would be confined to the back of the house and cooking and naps would be difficult. It will be great since Jim will be gone again anyway. And we may take a trip to visit him, he will be gone 5 weeks. But, you know he won't be in combat and I will get to talk to him so I guess I can't complain. And he will get to be here for the rest of the pregnancy and the birth this time. He is so excited about experiencing it. It is funny and cute.
Well, Brayden is in bed and I have a few minutes before Jim comes home. I am off to finish my book.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Simple life

I started my day out a little unthankful. Something that isn't me. I am so thankful for so much in my life that it usually doesn't leave room for the not so thankful ones. But, there I was gripping to myself how our house needs to be painted and oh the work that goes into the remodel and how that will upset our life and don't even get me started on the grass. What a mess. Not to mention our son adores his father (what's wrong with that. Nothing except my husband has been so in and out lately with the Army) As the day progressed I got thankful again. Like this afternoon when it was so hot and we have air conditioning. Then I was watching Love comes softly on the Hallmark channel and I thought how great there lives were with the simplicity. But wow am I ever so much more blessed. I have a house that keeps heat and cold out. I don't have to worry about wild animals, I don't have to worry about marrying a stranger if something were to happen to my husband. And don't get me started on washing machines, running water and electricity. Thank you Lord. As much as I love the outdoors and camping and nature. I love my cozy little house that has so much. Thanks

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Fun with Friends

So, we have had this dinner scheduled all week. And Jim ended up having to stay gone for an extra couple of days. I wasn't sure I should go with out him but called and said if it was okay Brayden and I could still come. It was so much fun. Our friends are such good hosts and another couple whom are probably our closest friends were also there. The kids played so well and Brayden just thought all of their son's toys were so cool. Tonight I am thankful for fellow Christian friends and parents who really show Christ in how they live. Thanks for your hospitality and friendship.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Brayden's 2

Well, today my little boy is 2. I can't believe it. It has gone so fast. Yesterday we had his birthday party and we had a really good time. All week when I asked him if he wanted his friends to come over for a birthday party he would say no. He was fine if they were just coming over to play but not for a party. Well, he handled the spotlight very well. He loves all his new toys and he loved getting to eat his dinner at his new picnic table with his friends. He loved his cake and made sure to thank everyone. He woke up this morning and we were walking past the living room on our way to the kitchen and he saw his new tractors and his eyes got big and he said Mama. Like it wasn't a dream, it was all real.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


So, isn't it just the way it goes. They stay up later than normal and then wake up early and are whiny, clingy. That is how our day started. But we cuddled and then Jim got up. He didn't sleep well either. Which is understandable due to the fireworks. Ever since war he has had a hard time with them. They sound just like weapons. So, he hasn't slept well the last few nights but last night he had dreams and I knew they weren't all good but a couple seemed funny. See Jim talks in his sleep. He acts out in his sleep. Last night he sat up laughing. And at one point he was laying there holding his pillow rocking. He has also put me in a head lock and elbowed my nose several times. And it wasn't from rolling over. It is quite funny. But anyway he woke up exhausted as well. But, the day went on and things got better. One of the things I am so thankful for with being able to stay home and raise our child is that I know him and his needs. So, since he was tired most of the morning I could tell when it was nap time because my usually well behaved and responsive child becomes disobediant and time outs are laughed at and stern voices are histerical. So, we quickly did lunch and off for a nap he went. I was able to get the bathrooms cleaned and the kitchen done and a little rest during his nap. (we are getting ready for a birthday party) My mom also took Brayden for a couple hours after nap so that I could do the costco thing and some other errands. I love being with my son and shopping isn't a problem but wow can I go when I am by myself.
I am off to enjoy my comfy bed and soft pillow.
Good Night!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A wonderful 4th of July

I want to start off by saying thanks to all our service men and women both now and from in the past. You have sacrificed so that we can have a wonderful and free life here in America. Thanks for that. Honey, you are the best thanks for the part you play.
Today was a nice relaxing day. We went to a parade that was very small. But, it was Brayden's first and he enjoyed it. He also discovered the throw down pop things. He loves those and continues to ask for more. We came home and took a nice long nap and then went to my parents for a bonfire and roasting of hot dogs. And ended the evening with fireworks in the street. It was so much fun and Brayden asked to go to bed he was so tired. But he truly loved the fireworks and only a couple times got scared. He would get down and help daddy pick out which one was going to be next.
Happy 4th of July and Happy Birthday America!!!